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Tina Yip

Marketing & Culture Director / Host, Berlin Cameron / 5 to 9

In her 9 to 5, Tina is the Marketing & Culture Director at Berlin Cameron. With her background in social and brand strategy, she works closely with the agency’s leadership team on the company’s marketing efforts, including implementation of LLShe, Berlin Cameron’s partnership with Refinery 29 to increase the exposure of female-founded companies. Prior to this role, Tina has worked as a strategist at agencies such as R/GA, Big Spaceship and mcgarrybowen on clients such as Samsung, Verizon and Mastercard.

In her 5 to 9, Tina pursues a diverse spread of side-hustles, each aimed at challenging and strengthening how people view work and exploring their curiosities. Most notably and recently, Tina is the founder of STRTGST, a community of 1000+ “people who think for a living” in NYC. STRTGST brings together brand planners, industry insiders and the wider creative community to discuss various topics related to cultural insight, consumer segmentation and organizational structure. Tina is also the creator and host of 5to9, a podcast about the side-hustle.