Creator Negotiations Masterclass:
How to Set and Negotiate Fair Creator Rates

Day 1 at YMS - March 20th
2pm - 3pm
Hosted by Meredith Jacobson, Founder, Offscreen Resources

Founder, Connector, and Strategist Meredith Jacobson has been on both sides of the creator negotiation table since 2014. She has negotiated deals on behalf of both brands and talent for everything from product or experience-only, to mixed compensation to six figure one-off and long term partnerships.

In this session, she will share the most effective tactics (spoiler alert: transparency and clear communication) for brand marketers from the perspective of what has worked on the offering and receiving side. Takeaways will include: 

  • An understanding of which factors creators take into consideration when negotiating an offer. 

  • Insight on when it’s better to ask for rate cards vs. share an offer up front. 

  • Tips for structuring your negotiation so that you leave enough wiggle room to cut down if needed while still getting what you want out of your partnership. 

  • Helpful communication points to ensure that creators feel respected throughout the process, no matter what the offer is. 

  • Interactive exercises with volunteers from the audience 

Meredith Jacobson
Offscreen Resources