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Innovation at the Speed of Culture - Martin Magner™

Brands are being left outside of culture. It moves fast. Media is fragmented. Attention is scarce.

It is way too easy for brands to get left behind, to lose relevance, and to be ignored.

To cut through, brands need to look for a visible and valued role inside culture, not just seek ever-more intrusive ways to interrupt it.

The best place to start is from the ground up. By becoming a brand that is shaped by culture, you’ll become a brand that has the power to shape culture.

In this session Martin Magner, Creative Director at Virtue Worldwide, will unpack how he's placed himself in the centre of culture to create some of their most innovative work to date. Work that takes inspiration from the lived experience around us instead of taking inspiration from the industry.

Key takeaways include a few inspiring innovative case studies showing how culture has been transformed into product innovation. Starting points to expand your comfort zone. New and uncomfortable points of view around the advertising and marketing industry.

Martin Magner
Creative Director
Virtue Worldwide