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Voxburner's Youth Trends 2022 - The Results

Voxburner present the results of the 2022 US Youth Trends report, looking into the cultural, digital and tech trends impacting the lives of 16-24s. We’ll be digging into topics such as:

  • Why are young people getting married, having babies and buying houses later in life, or choosing not to follow this traditional path at all?

  • As the cryptocurrency trend grows, is Gen Z ready to invest or will they stay true to their reputation as ‘Generation Sensible’?

  • Are digital natives turning against influencers, or simply looking to a different breed of opinion leader for inspiration?

  • Why are Gen Z nostalgic for a time they never personally experienced, and how do we keep up with the ever-faster trend cycle?

  • How are online conversations about mental health impacting young people’s wellbeing and their sense of self?